Monday, September 3, 2012
Hello Classes, Hello Cuba
This Saturday. 7 pm. 41 A Vanderhorst Street.
Remember to bring something tasty. No chips, dips, or store-bought cookies. Keep it classy, yo.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Last Manna of the Year!?!
Escape the stress of school and exams by coming out to 60 Radcliffe Street this Saturday at 7pm.
As you intelligent people know by now, bring some fancy food, a question and a friend.
Oh, and you've probably caught on... we've started doing themes for each Manna. This month: ANIMAL PRINT.

Yes. Animal print. Get excited.
So, head out THIS Saturday at 7 in your best animal print attire and get ready for a roaring good time of conversation and fellowship.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
March Manna - crazy shorts and crazy short notice ;)
We wanted to celebrate the arrival of Spring by bustin' out our springy clothes....
So bid your pea coats and long pants goodbye.
For this month's Manna, show up in crazy shorts to 67 Warren Street and thank our host Sophia :)
Be sure to bring a friend, bring some food and have a question ready.
See ya THIS SATURDAY, March 24th. Sorry for the crazy short notice :/
Can't wait to see ya in your crazy shorts!
PS - some inspiration ;)
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Hats Off to Manna
You may be thinking there will be a lot of that at our next Manna.
But, no. We want to avoid being cliche. (Although, chocolate is always welcome regardless of the month!)
At our next Manna there will be hats.
Because the fancy clothes theme went over so well last month, we thought we'd try another theme: Hat Party :)
Top hats.
Hippie hats.
Floppy straw hats.
Baseball caps.
Any hat you'd like BUT bring a friend, some food and be thinking of a question too.
Saturday, February 18th at 7 at 48C Mary Street, Lauren Smith's house.
Hats off to Manna and hope to see you there!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Starting Manna 2012 Off in Style
I thought it might be nice to start this new year of Manna off in style.
A friend of mine inquired if he could wear a blue blazer. I think that sounds perfect and sets the tone for a classy evening of cheese and chit chat.
So boys break out the blazers and girls put on your high heels and head over to 60 radcliffe street.
Saturday the 21st at 7pm.
Note - if you end up wearing blue jeans and a band t-shirt like a typical college student, this is ok. However, keepin things classy is highly encouraged.
Don't forget to bring some interesting food and a great question!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Festive Final Manna of 2011
Guys did, in fact, man-up for last month's Manna.
5 of them.
And they kept conversation away from love.
Instead, we discussed tattoos, desert islands and cartoon characters. Not trying to reinforce stereotypes or anything... just sharing the facts!
So what can we expect for the next Manna - the last one of 2011???
It is going to be festive.
Holiday attire is welcomed... encouraged actually!
Ok, so maybe that is a bit much. But wear whatever ChristmaHanuKwanzaakah outfit you can whip up :)
Don't forget to whip up a tasty treat, too. Maybe your favorite holiday dish? Something festive?
Then whip up a good question and get ready for good conversation. It will be a nice mental break from the monotony of exam studying cause we'll be meeting Saturday, December 10th at 7pm.
Come join us for some festive fun at 65 1/2 Ashley Avenue. It's a yellow house with 2 front doors; head down the brick path to the left of the house and up the back stairs to the upstairs apartment. There is a ton of street parking nearby around Colonial Lake.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Man Up for Manna
We need some guys to man up and make it out to our next Manna - Saturday, November 12th at 7pm.
Our last Manna was great but overloaded on estrogen ;)
We had ALLLLL girls except for one guy – though he was 6’6’’ and a football player from the Citadel so he brought a fair share of testosterone. Nonetheless, the ladies had a strong influence as we had 4 or 5 questions on love, soul mates and marriage. Bless his heart.
Plus, literally all the ladies brought sweets - including 2 batches of brownies - while our solo guy brought rice which seemed appropriately manly ;) The most unusual and delicious treat of the evening was a salted, caramel and chocolate pretzel bark.
So bring some tasty baked goods (or rice). And a cool question.
Expect cool conversation. And cheese.
116 A Smith Street. See map here.
Be there.