What is Manna?

We're glad you asked. Manna is an ongoing dinner and discussion experiment put together by College of Charleston students to bring together students of different beliefs and backgrounds for meaningful conversation and relationships.

Whether you're over the bar scene, hung over from Friday night, or just seeking some thoughtful people to chat up, Manna seeks to be the alternative night out with just a touch of class.

Monday, December 6, 2010

A White Elephant Manna

The holidays, crazy finals schedules, and cold weather are already here--so that means it's time for the first ever "White Elephant Manna" evening this Saturday.

In additional to bringing your usual yummies, please find a gift to give from the depths of your dorm room or house. It CANNOT be bought or made...unless its made from stuff already in your house.

The very lovely and wonderful Hannah Strickland will be hosting this one a 49B Chapel Street (right behind Second Presbyterian Church and the fountain park). Note the tiny map below. See you Saturday the 11th at 7 pm!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 13th Manna

Hey crew. Here we go again. A new month with a new house. Saturday 7-10 pm.

The gracious Kristen Gerhman and her roommates are being ever so kind to open up their place to us on 256B Rutledge Ave.

Please join us for another great night of creative dishes (made by you) and creative cheese (brought by Colin).

Thursday, October 14, 2010


this weekend

come on up to LAUREN and SANAZ'S house

we will be arranging rides, since it's not right on campus...
give LAUREN a call if you need one
or email...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Manna of the Fall

Hey Folks, the first Manna of Autumn is here. Lauren Balltrip is graciously hosting us this Saturday at 7:00 pm. She lives at 33 Calhoun St, which is right by Calhoun and East Bay.

She's also on the 3rd floor, which means there's a secret code to get on the elevator.

Well, at Manna we don't just hand out secret codes like candy at a parade, so if you want in, just show up and you'll have your own personal doorman (or woman) take you on up. Or you can call me at 817-8900 if you're running late.

THIS IS WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE ^ Remember, bring something tasty that isn't chips and dip.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Freshman Orientations

So if you're a freshman and you've gotten a Manna card at one of the orientations, we'd recommend you become a follower (or stalker) of this blog. Or you can join the PSA Charleston facebook group. Either way, you'll be less likely to miss the first Manna when we restart again in September.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Summer Break

We're breaking for the summer, but we'll be back in September! Enjoy your break. I'm going to be enjoying my new electronic flotation device.

Monday, April 19, 2010

This weekend!

Our next Manna gathering will be...

this coming Saturday, the 24th
7 PM - 10 PM
at Lauren Glaser's house

4 Bull St.

View Larger Map

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Map Action

Here's your favorite little google map with the link here

As for food, bring whatever quality stuff you like, but don't worry about the cheese. I got that covered. If you feel like announcing what you're bringing, go for it!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hey! Manna is at my (Christy's) house on Saturday. I live at 9A Rutledge Ave. It is all the way down Rutledge past Colonial lake. Keep going South of Broad and it is a yellow house on the right!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Where's this thing happening?

The first Manna EVER will be held at Lauren Moore's house up yonder on Race Street. It's about 2 miles from campus which makes for a nice 10-15 min bike ride. There's also plenty of street parking so of course cars are welcome.

The simplest way to get there...
  • take Coming aaallll the way up, above the crosstown, until it dead-ends into Race
  • turn LEFT onto Race- it's a one-way, so you have no choice
  • cross over Rutledge and Ashley
  • house is the last one on the LEFT facing Race before the street dead-ends
473 Race St

View Larger Map

let's use the comment section to coordinate rides.... if you are willing to cart some folks around, just name a place where you'd like to meet up!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Alright folks, the countdown begins

If you've noticed, we're doing our best to keep this thing as low-key and intimate as possible. You will not receive mass emails or facebook invites pertaining to anything Manna-related. This is a word-of-mouth thing and we want to be intentional and deliberate about inviting people from a wide array of backgrounds and beliefs. In order for us all to glean the most from this dialogue, it's important we have as diverse a group as possible. I mean.... it's not much of a dialogue if we're all saying the same thing... right?

Be thinking of that burning question... This is how we'll kick-off discussion. Everyone will anonymously submit a question, any question. Nothing's too silly. Nothing's too serious.

We'll be updating more frequently from now on, so keep checking the blog for the latest info.

Stay tuned for directions to Lauren's house and possible ways of getting there (rides, bike caravans, etc.)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

the very first one.

The very first Manna ever in the history of the world will be on February 13th at 7:00 pm.  It will be Lauren's house somewhere on Race Street....