If you've noticed, we're doing our best to keep this thing as low-key and intimate as possible. You will not receive mass emails or facebook invites pertaining to anything Manna-related. This is a word-of-mouth thing and we want to be intentional and deliberate about inviting people from a wide array of backgrounds and beliefs. In order for us all to glean the most from this dialogue, it's important we have as diverse a group as possible. I mean.... it's not much of a dialogue if we're all saying the same thing... right?
Be thinking of that burning question... This is how we'll kick-off discussion. Everyone will anonymously submit a question, any question. Nothing's too silly. Nothing's too serious.
We'll be updating more frequently from now on, so keep checking the blog for the latest info.
Stay tuned for directions to Lauren's house and possible ways of getting there (rides, bike caravans, etc.)