We're glad you asked. Manna is an ongoing dinner and discussion experiment put together by College of Charleston students to bring together students of different beliefs and backgrounds for meaningful conversation and relationships.
Whether you're over the bar scene, hung over from Friday night, or just seeking some thoughtful people to chat up, Manna seeks to be the alternative night out with just a touch of class.
When do you meet? 7:00 pm on the Second Saturday of each month
How long does it last? About three hours. One hour of just hanging out and two hours of discussion.
Where do you meet? In caves...or various host's homes near the College of Charleston campus.
How much is it? Totally free, but we do ask you contribute a dish or h'orderves. Creativity is appreciated. No potato chips please.
Can I contribute alcohol?
Since not everyone is 21, we ask that alcohol is not part of your contribution. If you're an alchy and you must, bring it in a flask or something.
What do you talk about? Whatever you want to talk about. Every particpant writes one question for the group to discuss.
What if I don't have a car to get there? Some venues are within walking distance of the campus. If it's not though, ask one of our organizers about organizing you a ride.
What's 'Manna' mean? Long story, but it's the supernatural food that God provided to the Hebrews while they were on the road trip from hell in the Sianai desert.
So is this some kind of religious thing? Eh, not really. The Journey PSA and Second Presbyterian Church sponsor us and one of their staff hangs out with us. He's mildly cool on a good day. But it's imperative to us have people of all faiths and philosophies participate, otherwise it would be kind of lame.
What if I worship Satan or the Red Sox? Can I still come? Sure, why not? However, Yankees fans are banned...just kidding.
Here's your favorite little google map with the link here
As for food, bring whatever quality stuff you like, but don't worry about the cheese. I got that covered. If you feel like announcing what you're bringing, go for it!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Hey! Manna is at my (Christy's) house on Saturday. I live at 9A Rutledge Ave. It is all the way down Rutledge past Colonial lake. Keep going South of Broad and it is a yellow house on the right!